What is Blockchain Technology?

What is Blockchain technology? This has been the question of every citizen of this earth right after we were introduced to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is considered to be some kind of technical miracle working with the help of some magical mystery called Blockchain. To be frank, if you really wish to understand the technology behind Bitcoin, then we are on the same page. The main concept of Blockchain technology is—Trust. How would you feel about a transaction where there’s no SINGLE middle man to control it? A system where all your transactions are verified not just by one, but a huge network of people? Where you don’t have to worry about anyone tampering with your assets? In which you don’t have to worry about security because it’s totally fail proof so that even “ any three letter organizations ” would have trouble hacking into your system? That is the dream of everybody who yearns for some data privacy. In fact, that is Blockchain you are asking for. It’s a transparent, public, dec...